[member name=”Mark Johnson” job=”Founder” avatar=”http://www.lonestarproductions.com/images/mj_250x250.jpg” facebook=”http://www.facebook.com” twitter=”http://www.twitter.com/lonestarprod” googlePlus=”https://plus.google.com/u/1/114622538158564035914/about”]
Mark Johnson is the founder and President of Lone Star Productions. He has close to three decades of product development, marketing and design experience in the hi-tech industry. He has also been an award-winning producer in the entertainment software sector (including 7 CODiE awards, and 2 Macworld World Class Awards), and has brought more than 30 hardware and software products to market, from segments as diverse as video production hardware to notebook computers to computer entertainment software. He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Rice University.
AboutMark Johnson2013-03-06T09:25:50-07:00